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Contact Victoria Meyers

  • send an email

    475 Almar Avenue
    Los Angeles, CA 90272

    t 917 405 7431
    e vmeyers at hanrahanmeyers.com
    w hanrahanMeyers.com
    b victoriameyers.com

hMa on the Web

hMa : Green Initiatives / Sustainable Architecture

  • United Nations Environment Programme
    "Environmental Knowledge for Change" this site is an incredible resource on environmental and social issues around the world
  • Greenopia NY
    hMa is proud to be featured as a "Greenopia Distinguished Business"

  • 41 Pounds
    A campaign to stop junk mail (named for the number of pounds of junk mail the average American adult recieves in 1 year!)
  • Soil Food Web NYC
    Sustainable Horticulture and Gardening
  • Worldchanging.com
  • The Conservation Fund
    As part of our nature based vision for architecture, hMa gives a percentage of the firm’s annual revenues to nature initiatives. This year, hMa funded ‘Wildlife Corridors’, through the Conservation Fund. ‘Wildlife Corridors’ provide natural zones through cities and towns that link animals with adjacent nature preserves. This initiative is one of several cutting-edge planning initiatives that forward thinking architects will be adopting as we seek to harmonize human habitats with nature and create sustainable development.

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